How I built my blog: Build process

Details about the automated build process, requirements and why I have chosen webpack.

I wanted the following from my build process:

  • minification and obfuscation
  • transpiling, both for scripts (typescript) and styles (sass)
  • bundling
  • image optimization
  • removing unused code
  • lazy loading of styles and scripts

In short - I went with webpack, which comes bundled with half of those things and plugins to handle the rest.

That’s basically the setup I am using as a base for all my projects, and modify as needed.

I won’t delve into some excrutiating details, you are welcome to take a look yourself on github.

Build config

When creating my build I was heavily inspired by the NY Studio’s 107 annotated config with few notable exceptions:

  • I don’t need modern/legacy builds, I decided to cater only for newer browsers - something that I have longed to do for years
  • I don’t need any HTML injection, which also means I handle critical path rendering and script loading myself
  • I don’t use vue
  • I don’t need HMR
  • I use sass instead of modern-era css/postcss, which I still believe is a better option for now
  • I like writing in typescript, even if it’s kindof wasted here
  • I needed multiple entrypoints, one per page template to be exact


I went with one entrypoint per page, globbing the source for them, manifest for nice cache-friendly files and few tools for more pleasant experience.

  • glob-all to collect all entrypoints
  • manifest-plugin to generate manifest so I can have cache-friendly filenames
  • webpack-notifier so I get notice when build finishes - saves me from refreshing the page too much
  • webpack-merge so I can keep my webpack configs separated
  • bundle analyzer on switch when I need to debug the bundles
  • clean plugin to erase the output dir

Full setup can be found on github


Nothing fancy, sass with extraction and minification

Full setup can be found on github


This one took some time to setup, I wanted to use babel glorious env preset AND write in typescript - needed some fiddling.

  • babel-loader to transpile my typescript, using env and typescript preset to handle polyfills and compatibility
  • terser-plugin to minify the code, seeing as uglify does not support newer ecmascript versions
  • few plugins to allow some nice features: dynamic import syntax, class properties, object rest spread

Full setup can be found on github


The funny part here is I setup it ahead of time, being sure I will be using images - I don’t … yet

  • plugins to minify basic assets, not used now but I plan to use some images in the future
  • imageminGifsicle, imageminMozjpeg, imageminOptipng, imageminSvgo

Full setup can be found on github


In the future I am considering extending it: - media query splitting which would mean further reduction of unused styles, right now the styles here are small enough I don’t need it - workbox plugin obviously to use PWA features without hassle of writing service worker from scratch

For anyone interested how to setup your own webpack build I would suggest first looking at this article on medium it explains basics of webpack nicely.

Next article will be about the styling of the blog

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